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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Gunnison, CO

location-map Gunnison , CO | (970) 680 8587

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Nya is on maternity leave and not accepting new clients at this time. Please email requesting to be added her waitlist. I believe that the relationship between a therapist and client is the agent of change in therapy. Making the decision to come to therapy can feel like a big step and my goal is to support parents, who are the experts in their children, learn new skills to support and understand their child. I also support parents in the transition to parenthood with all the joys and challenges it brings. I take a humanistic approach and deeply value and respect the unique strengths that each client and family bring to therapy. I have experience working with children and parents from the perinatal time to birth through adolescence and specialize in trauma-focused, behavioral, mindfulness, and strengths-based interventions, and draw from attachment, humanistic and Internal Family Systems theories. My work with children, families, and adults centers curiosity, compassion, attunement, and safety. I am here to help you identify and create the changes you would like to see in your life.